Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our new garden

Kay helps us with our school garden.
She popped in to visit us this morning and to tell us of her plans for the new school garden.
There will be raised beds for each class (we can't wait!) and we will grow our own vegetables, flowers and plants.
We were joking that Kay must be a little potty because of all the pots she uses when she is gardening.
Later today Grandad John came to visit us.
Every year he brings us some lovely plants and some lively worms (for our wormery)
He also told us about when he was a boy.
We loved hearing about how John managed with no electricity but we were really surprised to hear that he had no toilet in his farm house when he was young, and he had to run behind the bushes and use grass instead of a proper toilet and toilet paper.  Yuck, we are glad that things have changed a lot!
We will look after the black current bush and the Curly Kale cabbages,
the primulas, onions, strawberries, the woodbine and the nice green plants with the big leaves.
We can't wait to see them all grow bigger between now and the summer holidays.

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