Friday, November 8, 2013

Visit to the bottle bank

We have been learning all about re-using and re-cycling in class this week, so today we went to visit the Bottle Bank beside our school. We had to help teacher decide the correct bins to put clear or brown glass bottles/jars into. We also saw the can bank, which we can use to re-cycle our tins/cans. There was also a Clothes Bank where we can bring clothes which are too small for us or we don't need any more. The proceeds from these clothes help many charities. We know that it is really important to re-cycle things(both at home and at school) and every day in class we sort out our rubbish and we use the green bins to put paper, card, clean plastic and newspaper into. We bring any left-over food home (there is usually not very much of this!!!), so that it can be put into the correct bin at home for food. It is very important for our world to re-use and re-cycle. 

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