Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Visit from a Montessori teacher

We had a visit from a Montessori teacher today.
Theresa came to tell us all about what children learn during their day in a playschool.
She showed us some of the books she uses every day.
Theresa says that she uses science with her students every day at work, especially when they are using sand and water, or when they are looking at or growing plants.
We really enjoyed guessing songs that Theresa played for us.
She praised our listening skills.  We really are good listeners.
Theresa told us all about how preschool children look after themselves and keep their hands nice and tidy.
They learn how to share and take turns at school.
We all got to take a turn with the tunnel that Theresa brought us in today.
We loved the story of Chicken Little that Theresa read, and were thrilled when she gave each of us a lovely pencil and rubber.
Thank you Theresa for such a wonderful talk today.

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