Monday, September 23, 2013

Visit from a textile technician

We had a wonderful visit from a mum in our class.

Kelly is a textiles technician in our local 3rd level GMIT.
She came to tell us all about her very interesting job today.
Although Kelly is more of an artist than a scientist she uses science every day at work.
Kelly works with all sorts of different textiles (materials) and different colours.  She works a lot with mixing colours to get other more exciting colours.  Kelly also teaches her students how to sew and she is great at fixing sewing machines.  She brought us some very interesting pieces of art that her students have made or she has made herself.
We love her job and were delighted to hear that it is a job for boys just as much as for girls.
We are so amazed that everyone seems to use some science in their work.
Thank you so much Kelly for such a wonderful talk today.

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