Thursday, December 20, 2012

Recycling bins

We had lots of empty glass candle jars in our class so today we took a trip to the glass recycling area at the Kingfisher to get rid of them.We learned how they are divided into clear,green and brown glass and that we should always be gentle when getting rid of them.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Learning all about Poland

We saw a great presentation on Poland and learned about the flag (white and red), the symbol of Poland  (an eagle with a crown), the 4 distinct seasons in Poland (we especially loved to see all the gorgeous white powdery snow, we are so jealous!), and Christmas celebrations.
We were really surprised to hear that turkey is not the traditional Christmas food.  Instead in Poland the big Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve and consists of 12 distinct dishes (in honour of the 12 apostles).   We really liked the look of the fish dish and the beatroot with dumpling soup!
The Christmas dishes are not eaten until you have seen the first star of Christmas Eve in the sky.  What a lovely custom!
Thanks so much to Lukasz, Kasia and Martin for such a wonderful presentation.
We would very much like to visit Poland if we ever get the chance!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Letters to Santa

We wrote letters to Santa last week.
We walked to Duggans and posted the letter from there.
Mr Duggan gave us an early Christmas treat by giving us all lollipops.It was a lovely excursion!

Our penpals in Uganda

We learned about Uganda recently.We have been getting parcels from Nyabbani Primary school in Uganda - they sent us dolls and balls they made themselves and photographs of their school.We learned a song and dance that they do every day and watched videos of them.We drew pictures to send to them.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Learning about the USA

Thank you so much Sally for such an interesting presentation.
We would all love to go and visit the USA!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Presidential election

Today we had our very own election. The children who were able to give a reason why they should be president were given a chance to be candidates. Here are the reasons;
Emilia - I know how to run the country.
Dara - I can run very fast.
Lauren - I am very kind.
Maria - I work very hard in school.
Four very fine reasons to become president of anywhere I think you will all agree.
Every child had one vote. Teacher explained that it is important for everyone to vote and have their say.
One child decided to abstain as he believed he should be president and nobody else would do :) .

The winner is Lauren. She is the class president. As president it will be her duty to make sure all the children in the class are being kind to each other

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Mummy's teddy

Thank you very much for sharing. This boy brought his mommys much loved teddy bear to school today. We compared to our teddy bear timeline.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Old toys

We talked about the toys we all played with as babies.
Then we talked about old toys! We talked about toys that have been around for a long time and new toys. We played a detective game. we looked at clues and had to think really hard about what toy was hidden behind the box. We looked at how some toys have changed through the years. We made a wonderful teddy bear timeline.

How germs are spread

We also tried another experiment to show how germs spread when you sneeze.
Teacher filled a balloon with flour.  The balloon was like teacher's mouth and the flour was like her germs when she has a cold.
When teacher burst the balloon, it was like teacher sneezing.  The balloon popped and the flour spread out everywhere.  Some of us got flour on our clothes and skin.
If we sneeze without covering our mouths we are spreading germs in the same way.
We have learned lots now about preventing the spread of disease.
Hopefully we will be a very healthy class this year!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Autumn nature walk & baby clothes

Today we looked at the clothes the children wore when they were tiny , and the toys they used to play with.They have grown so much since they could fit into these little things!

We went on a Nature Walk to see how the leaves are changing colour and falling on the ground.